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Comoros -  Regions, Areas and Towns

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Adda Do ueni, pop: 10858
Antsahe, pop: 1180
Assimpao, pop: 1112
Bahani, pop: 1272
Bambadjani, pop: 1355
Bandajou, pop: 1816
Barakani, pop: 6089
Bimbini, pop: 2052
Boungoueni, pop: 2465
Bouni, pop: 1104
Chandra, pop: 5645
Chezani, pop: 2322
Chindini, pop: 1471
Chironkamba, pop: 2391
Chitrouni, pop: 1081
Daji, pop: 2676
Dembeni, pop: 4133
Djoyezi, pop: 2854
Domoni, pop: 14509
Douniani, pop: 1778
Dziani, pop: 1754
Fomboni, pop: 14966
Foumbouni, pop: 4496
Hajoho, pop: 2505
Hantsindzi, pop: 2004
Harembo, pop: 1698
Heroumbili, pop: 1463
Hoani, pop: 1114
Itsandra, pop: 3168
Itsandzeni, pop: 1382
Ivouani, pop: 1317
Kangani, pop: 3711
Kavani, pop: 2160
Koki, pop: 4929
Koni Djodjo, pop: 8109
Koni Ngani, pop: 3288
Koua, pop: 1391
Kyo, pop: 2209
Limbi, pop: 1037
Lingoni, pop: 3583
Madjeoueni, pop: 1320
Magnassini Nindri, pop: 2213
Mandza, pop: 1602
Marahare, pop: 1415
Mavingouni, pop: 1390
Mbeni, pop: 6516
Mirontsi, pop: 10168
Mitsamiouli, pop: 6102
Mjamaoue, pop: 1490
Mjimandra, pop: 3114
Mkiriwadjumoi, pop: 8749
Mnoungou, pop: 1013
Mohoro, pop: 2014
Moroni, pop: 42872
Moutsamoudou, pop: 23594
Moya, pop: 7529
Mramani, pop: 5126
Mremani, pop: 4996
Mtakoudja, pop: 1410
Mtsamdou, pop: 1171
Mvouni, pop: 4791
Nioumachoua, pop: 3412
Nioumamilima, pop: 1068
Ntsaoueni, pop: 3481
Ntsoudjini, pop: 3799
Ongoni, pop: 2058
Ouanani, pop: 2401
Ouani, pop: 10179
Ouella, pop: 5478
Ouhozi, pop: 1930
Ouroveni, pop: 1419
Oussivo, pop: 1708
Ouzini, pop: 1886
Paje, pop: 1894
Patsi, pop: 1498
Salimani, pop: 1662
Selea, pop: 1662
Sima, pop: 10374
Singani, pop: 2309
Tsidje, pop: 4600
Vanadjou, pop: 1830
Vanambouani, pop: 1654
Vouani, pop: 2513
Ziroudani, pop: 1197

-- End of List --

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Country Location   C166-P102

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